Giving Tuesday

GivingTuesday 2023


In celebration of GivingTuesday and all of the visionary leaders whose charitable activities serve humanity, I invite you to join us in unleashing generosity on Tuesday, November 28!

This year, our GivingTuesday efforts will support pediatric cancer initiatives. Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital has been at the forefront of leading-edge research and treatment options for leukemia and other childhood cancers, and together we can improve access for area children to the most advanced, life-saving cancer care treatments available.

Because GivingTuesday relies on the limitless potential of social media, I need your help in spreading the word. Would you consider becoming a “fundraiser for a day” for area children facing cancer diagnoses?

All you need to do is talk about your connection to Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital on your social media platforms, tag us in your post (links below) and use the hashtag #GivingTuesday. Then, in the comments section, insert this giving link: (Adding a photo also helps improve the algorithms, so more of your friends and family see your posts.)

If you don’t use social media, simply share the giving link above through text or email. Millions of people across the globe will give on GivingTuesday, and you never know who you might inspire to support pediatric cancer initiatives for children living in our community—many of whom are uninsured or under-insured.

Thank you for your careful consideration of this request and for all you do to enable our mission!


Joanna DeLeon
Director, Loma Linda University Children’s Hospital Foundation

P.S. If you’re not able to be a “fundraiser for a day” but would like to participate in creating a healthier tomorrow for area children, please consider making a gift today.

GIVE NOW for GivingTuesday